Yao (Jason) Li - Sales Associate - REALTORĀ©

870 Mantoloking Rd. Brick, NJ 08723

Yao (Jason) Li

Sales Associate - REALTOR©


Cell: 609-346-3599

Email: YaoLi22388@gmail.com


License ID: 2440773


Yao (Jason) Li has raving fans and an impeccable reputation as an advocate, partner, and confidant. "I'd call Jason the BMW of Real Estate Associate/REALTOR. He's hands-on with physical help and emotional support which people so often need when taking the step of selling or buying their home. Hands-on, heart on, wisdom on. We didn't expect to make a real friend from our Associate/REALTOR, but we have. Jason turns the business of selling real estate into an art" remarks one of his many satisfied clients.


Yao (Jason) Li 拥有狂热的粉丝,并且作为拥护者、合作伙伴和知己享有无可挑剔的声誉。“我称 Jason 为房地产助理/房地产经纪人中的宝马。他亲力亲为,提供人们在出售或购买房屋时经常需要的物质帮助和情感支持。亲力亲为,用心服务,智慧服务。我们没想到我们的助理/房地产经纪人会成为真正的朋友,但我们做到了。Jason 将房地产销售业务变成了一门艺术”,他的一位满意客户说道。